Green Gold Mocktail
Modern freshness
A flavourful non-alcoholic version of the cocktail of the same name
Green Gold Mocktail
Modern freshness
A flavourful non-alcoholic version of the cocktail of the same name

1) Crush the ice and pour it into a glass;
2) Add honey and lemon;
3) Pour in the Verum 100% Bergamot Juice;
4) Mix the ingredients well and add the mint leaves;
And voilà, you are ready to enjoy your non-alcoholic cocktail!
Enjoy it on your own or in company while listening to a dedicated song
1) Crush the ice and pour it into a glass;
2) Add honey and lemon;
3) Pour in the Verum 100% Bergamot Juice;
4) Mix the ingredients well and add the mint leaves;
And voilà, you are ready
to enjoy your non-alcoholic cocktail!
to enjoy your non-alcoholic cocktail!
Enjoy it on your own or in company
while listening to a dedicated song
while listening to a dedicated song